Over the summer we were fortunate to have my cousin Tori from KY fly in to assist with caring for our son Grayson while I attempted to work and complete summer school!! It was the best time ever, the classes were a success and we were also able to enjoy several little mini-vacations along the way. One place we went was close to home, and the family hadn't even seen it before, so we went to the Japanese Gardens in Fresno!!
The area was well manicured, and California native and Japanese plants were used to create a lush environment where one could relax and enjoy a "traditional" type of atmosphere that is found in a Japanese Garden. It was beautiful!! Check and see!!
Grayson was a little hot and tired, and at first - not too sure that he was going to like the place I think!! But we packed water, had on a summer jumper that was pretty cool and hit the trails!
The area surrounds a manmade lake where there are koi fish and turtles abound! Also running about were several peacocks, peahens and their baby pea-chicks!! HOORAY!!
Grandma Gale checking out the water. Wish we had a pic of Tori up here, maybe Grandma Gale has... There is one of us up there too, but baby is looking way away... (And doesn't really flatter mommy's tummy either - yuck!!!) har har... Anyhow - this bridge is REALLY steep on either side and has a high peak in the middle so you can see all around the gardens. NEAT!
AND when all was said and done - check it out! You guessed it!! Even Grayson was totally amazed!! Hope you enjoyed our little outing! We have more pics we can send if anyone is interested, just drop me a line at my email!
Postings are slowing down a bit and may stay a bit slow for a time! Just started my 4th semester of Nursing School, so may be really really busy! We will see! Doing a pediatric rotation AND a OB/Delivery rotation so it should be pretty neat!! Will do our best to keep everyone posted on our lives!! Curt meanwhile just celebrated his first year with his company ACRT and all is going good there too! He loves it! Baby Grayson right now at 8 months!! He weighs over 21 pounds and is 30 inches or so tall - OFF THE CHARTS! EEK! What do we feed him you ask?? Mama's milk, fruits & veggies, weird new three stage foods - you have to look at these at the store to believe some of them (read the contents on BEEF DINNER!!) AND all the love that this kid could possibly handle happens too I think! Anyhow! Love to all! T, C & G! ! !