Us... November 2008

Us... November 2008
Almost used for Xmas Card...

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Update is upcoming... I hope!!

Well, it's official, my boy is getting REALLY big!! At his four month check-up, he weighed in at 16 pounds (lost a pound that week being sick) and nearly 28 inches in length - putting him, well off the chart. His midget mama at 61 inches in length is pretty amazed... I know we have some tall genes somewhere on my sid and of course Daddy is pretty tall at nearly 6'2"!!! AND, recent news I managed a 4.0 in my third nursing semester and I did it as a new mama (while working graveyards - YUCK!)!! YIKES!! Meanwhile, Dadyy is proud of his family and has been getting kudos at work for "removals" when not getting nearly sprayed down with pesticides in the local farmer's fields, eeeek!!

Anyhow! I have LOTS of pictures, I SHOULD have the time once I have, yeah you guessed it, my summer course done too... TWELVE days right hot off the 3rd semester and its almost done!! I actually have one more that's online June through August and a third class that is fifteen days in July! Whew!! Let's just hope the grades stay high too, need those A's to get outta the RN program early and work the same amount of hours I am now, with twice the time available to my family AND a pay raise!! Yippee!!

Love to all, I know we don't nearly get in touch that much with everyone but hopefully the future will be more kind and it's in the works! Love Tristan K!!

1 comment:

Mendy said...

As cousin Shelly would say, you definitely got a "Chunka Monka!" 16 pounds??? I bet he is a DOLL! Wish there was a way we could all get together:) Keep posting pics, we love the updates!