Us... November 2008

Us... November 2008
Almost used for Xmas Card...

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Father's Day!! A little belated...

Well we are eventually getting caught up here... These are pictures from when we went camping with Grandma Gale, Radtke Crew, Kleinknight Family and Cousin Tori from KY!! Anyhow, here is a smattering of some of the trip! Meanwhile, going to try to find time to look through our pictures when we took a trip to Morro Bay and Monterey with Tori before I started my second session of summer school! It was a blast and there is a lot of stuff to go through for that, gotta find the best of the best! And we have some great pictures of Grayson at six months, looking like quite the little old man! Anyhow - hope this finds everyone well! As for us, we are really really good! Have a wedding anniversery coming up on August 5th, baby is almost 7 months, school is trudging along and the family is well! Keep us posted and we will try to do the same! Love, Tristan!!
Daddy and baby kickin it outside of the rig that Grandma Gale, Mama Tris and Baby Gray slept in relative comfort... A tiny bit cold, but on the whole, really awesome to crash out it!
The three G's!! Grandma Gale, Garrett and Grayson!!

Its exhausting and hard work being a cute kid camping!!

Sister Megan with her flashy and hot sox!! And Taryn diving through! Didn't get a lot of pix of the Radtke girls this trip, my camera battery died shortly into the trip and its one of those fancy ones that requires a real power source, STINKERS!! Need to remember to charge before every photo opportunities darn it!! Next time for sure!!
Nothing comes between me and my morning Diet Dr. Pepper... Not lack of make-up, shower or frizzy slept on braids!! WOW, morning girl I am not!! I look T I R E D ! ! !
The evening festivities with campfire close-by, Papa Radtke and everyone had been sharing knock knock jokes and whatnot throughout the night while make SMORES!!!

A quiet peaceful moment with Cousin Tori, getting used to the high elevation near Lake Tahoe after coming from near sea level in KY!! Tori came into Cali and stayed with us for almost a month and helped care for Grayson while I took my summer course in Philosophy during the mornings EVERY freakin' day!! I sure couldn't have done it without her help!! What a blessing!!

Well, that's it for now! Love to all! Tristan, Curtis, Baby Grayson and a crew of pets!!

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