Us... November 2008

Us... November 2008
Almost used for Xmas Card...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


SOOOOO... I realize its been awhile since I've posted!! HEH, been busy busy with nursing school, my poor kiddo! I had him help me with a SIDS prevention campaign... This is part of a "post-test" I gave to new mamas to identify SIDS risk factors, i.e. drinking and smoking around your kiddo, blankets and pillows and toys galore in the crib, the day of the week, overbundling and so on and so forth!!! But LOOK at that FACE!! I can tell that Grayson was eager to help in this project, "Uh, hey mom, like what ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?".... Sighs, well my teacher said it was creative and will help make a lasting impression! I hope it helps someone!! :)

I am OBSESSED with taking shots of Grayson's face when he's sleepin! He's such an angel!! I used my hand in front of the flash to obtain the lighting effect BTW!!

Grayson at nine months with his "I can feed myself" face!! I let him have the spoon I think maybe twice and SOME of it got in his mouth. Not really sure how much tho!! He was late to crawl, rolling like at 6 months and "Commando" crawling at eight months, just like GI JOE under the barbwire, it was hilarious!! Then crawling at nine, but after two weeks of "real" crawling he decided its more fun to stand up and cruise using things and he still crawls REALLY fast! We cannot keep up with this kid! Its just amazing how time flies!!

We have some more of these pix we took at the cabin to get a good "ten month" picture, although its about two weeks early. But this was then one that just cracked me up! This kid just kills me! He's a comedian and tries to make faces to make you laugh, and does a snorting thing, I think this might be mid-snort!! Anyhow, it busted me up so I'm including it instead of his more serious ones, maybe I will have time to post those later!!

STILL not sure that we will use this one for Xmas cards, the rest really aren't all that either. Darn timers!! One of us looks good in just about every pic, although in just about every pic Grayson's hands are somewhere, could be ANYWHERE!! So, we will see!!! BUT this is grrrrreat to use as a HAPPY HALLOWEEN from the Kleinknight Family!!! Hope you enjoyed the quick update!! Ohhhh - almost forgot! I'm on track to graduate early in May 2008 versus December! HOORAY! Had to petition, and it was a piece of cake! Hopefully I will have the initials RN behind my already long name by June or July of next year! Will keep everyone posted! And... Curt got a raise and I took a leave from my job to have more time for school and family... So, we will see how that goes! Kinda tight on the budget but it will all work out!!

Love to all!! Tristan, Curtis and Grayson

1 comment:

Shelly said...

thanks for the update. I was going to pester you, but know you are busy. good to see everyone happy and healthy